
SRYLED Annual Conference Was Help Successfully on 10th, January

On January 10th, SRYLED Annual Conference was successfully held in Shenzhen Venus Hotel. All employees, suppliers, relatives and friends gathered together, and the curtain came to an end amidst laughter. In this annual meeting, it is a great honor to invite many partners such as Nova Technology , G-energy Power Supply Company, Kinglight, etc. During the feast, everyone laughed and laughed, which deepened the exchanges and cooperation between the two parties.

After the opening of the annual meeting, Andy, the general manager of SRYLED, made an in-depth summary of the 9-year development process and accumulated experience since its establishment in 2013, and also showed the achievements over the years, looking forward to the development focus and direction in 2023. In the past 9 years, we have been developing on the road of innovation, and every time we make a gorgeous turn, we have obtained rich fruits through successful practice.


Today’s achievements, in addition to the strategic guidance of the general manager, are also inseparable from the dedication of the entire elite leadership team. For this reason, the company specially awarded 14 awards to the elite team and outstanding employees. With honor, the employees accepted the company’s recognition in gratitude, and a year of hard work finally got the achievement of their dreams. In the future, they will definitely work harder and climb to the top step by step.

In 2022, SRYLED delivered a perfect answer sheet, but the pursuit of dreams will not stop. In 2023, under the leadership of Andy and the elite team, it will surely step onto a new level.


Post time: Jan-11-2023

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