
The Price of LED Wall Rental in the USA


Welcome to our blog, where we dive into the nitty-gritty of event planning! Today, we’re shedding light on an essential aspect of modern event production – the cost of renting LED walls in the United States. LED walls have become a showstopper at events ranging from music concerts and corporate gatherings to trade expos and sports spectacles. They’re known for their high resolution and vibrant displays, making them a top choice for event organizers. But what’s the price you pay for all that visual splendor? Let’s break it down.

digital signage

Factors Influencing LED Wall Rental Prices:

Size and Resolution: One of the biggest factors affecting the rental cost of LED walls is their size and resolution. As you might expect, larger screens with higher resolutions come with a heftier price tag. Event planners need to strike a balance between the grandeur they desire and their budget constraints.

display screens

Duration of Rental: The duration you need an LED wall can greatly affect pricing. Rental companies typically offer daily, weekly, or monthly rates. The longer your rental, the more cost-effective it becomes on a daily basis.

Location: Your event’s location can play a significant role in rental costs. Major cities and regions with a high cost of living tend to have higher LED wall rental rates compared to smaller towns or rural areas. Considering the location is crucial when budgeting for LED wall rental.

Setup and Technical Support: Rental prices might encompass setup and technical support costs. This is particularly important if you’re not well-versed in the technology or if you need a professional team to ensure your LED wall operates flawlessly during your event. These services can add to the overall cost.

LED display

Content and Customization: If you require specific content or customization, like branding or interactive elements, it can drive up the cost. Creating custom content, including video and graphics, might entail additional expenses.

Quality of LED Panels: The quality of the LED panels can vary, and it’s another price influencer. Premium LED panels that offer better color accuracy and durability generally come at a premium price.

Additional Equipment: Depending on your event’s needs, you may need extra equipment like processors, controllers, or rigging hardware. These additional components can increase the total rental cost.

Average LED Wall Rental Prices in the USA:

LED video wall

While these specifics can fluctuate based on the aforementioned factors, here’s a rough estimate of average LED wall rental prices in the USA:

Small LED Walls (up to 100 square feet): Daily rates can range from $500 to $1,500, with weekly rates kicking off at $2,000.

Medium LED Walls (100 to 250 square feet): Daily rates can vary from $1,500 to $3,500, with weekly rates typically starting at $5,000.

Large LED Walls (over 250 square feet): Daily rates can start at $3,500 and can significantly increase for high-resolution, large displays. Weekly rates generally begin at $10,000 and can rise based on size and quality.

LED wall


When it comes to event planning, understanding the cost of renting LED walls is paramount. LED walls have gained immense popularity due to their visual appeal and versatility, but event planners must carefully assess their needs and budget constraints. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that ensures your event’s success while staying within budget. The wow factor of an LED wall is undeniable, and now you know what it takes to make it a part of your event planning journey.



Post time: Oct-31-2023

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